math chalkboard

Looking for Easy to Use Math Tests and Worksheets?

Basic math Disciplines

Practice Areas

From 100 Math Facts to Long Division to Fractions and everything in between, you can tailor work sheets and tests for every occasion.

Math Facts

100 Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, or Division Facts. As easy or as difficult as you want them to be, printable with answer key.


Simple fractions or Complex (number plus fraction) with addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. Work shown in answer key includes least common denominator, and simplifying result.

Long Math Problems

Add, subtract, multiply, or divide mult-digit problems. Answer key shows the work. Long addition can be multiple numbers.


Our decimal problems highlight the work needed to solve problems in different colors in the answer keys.

How IT Works

Work Process


Download Excel Math File

For each type of math test, we have files with multiple test types. Download the file for the test you need and save it on your computer. Open in Excel.


Tailor it to your difficulty

Each test has multiple ways to change the difficulty. Focus on certain numbers, or build easy tests to be followed with hard ones.


Print it, Grade it, Learn it

Print the worksheet or test along with the answer key. Each time you print a new one, it will be a completely different test. Use the answer key to grade or use it to learn how to do each problem.


Proven track of success- providing free Excel Math Tests since 2012






Our Customers Said

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4.85 from 1,300+ reviews


We were really impressed by the quality of service and commitment shown by the team.


Elizabeth Woods

Highly Recommended

The tests printed out and worked just as explained on the site.


Alice Smith

Outstanding student feedback

My student was able to practice long division over and over again, and check his own work until he could do it every time himself.


Alan Johnson

Have Questions?

Frequently Asked

How can you provide this for free?

We provide these tests as a public service. This is a part time effort. We want to share resources that we think others will find helpful.

Do you plan to expand?

We add new tests based on requests and available time. Let us know if you have any suggestions.

How do the sheets work?

It’s all Excel formulas and conditional formatting. We use the “Random” function to generate different tests with every change you make or refresh.

Looking for more answers?

Can’t seem to find the information you need? Let’s have a conversation.